Sleeves Create your Style E-book

Sleeves, Create your Style

My e-book, Sleeves, Create your Style is ready to print!

My book is complete and ready to print!  Sleeves, Create your Style is ready!  Working from a basic sleeve pattern, I’ll show you how to create more than 1 dozen distinctive sleeve variations so you can personalize the sleeves in your sewing journey.  I hinted at it in this post (click here)

And wrote about it in this post when I started down the rabbit-hole of sleeve styles.  I shared this sleeve info with a group attending a retreat that I taught at That Sewing Place, Newmarket.

Sleeve styles range from simple cap sleeves to fancy, flowing sleeves. Adding a sleeve to a garment changes its character, style, feel, and season of a top or outfit.

I included many diagrams with step by step instructions in 10 pages.  Your cost is $7 (US$ through PayPal)

Edited to add:  If your download doesn’t come through, please check your spam folder.  The email me, and I’ll send it.  Technology is interesting, to say the least.  Firewalls often block files from getting through.

Please let me know what you think, AND if you’d like a follow-up edition with more styles.  My email is

Yvette Chilcott

I'm a mother of 3, stepmother of 3. My hubby and I share our home with 2 cats, and my hobbies, including my food experiments.

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